Republic of the Philippines
Environmental Planning
Posted on 16 January, 2018

This Decree shall be known as the “Law Regulating the Environmental Planning Profession in the Philippines”

Definition of Terms. -


  1. Environmental planning refers to activities concerned with the management and development of land, as well as the preservation, conservation, and rehabilitation of the human environment.

On March 2, 1978, Ferdinand E. Marcos, President of the Philippines, signed into Law Presidential Decree No. 1308, otherwise known as the “Law Regulating the Practice of Environmental Planning in the Philippines”.

The law has been promulgated in pursuance of an integrated program of social, economic and political reforms so as to establish a secured national community and improve the quality of life of the people. The government has recognized the concept of Environmental Planning as one of its principal instruments for the establishment of a comprehensive system which seeks to conserve , rehabilitate and develop the physical environment and natural resources; and, for the translation into physical and spatial considerations policies on land capability, urbanization, agricultural development and natural development resources.

In cognizance of the significant role and substantial contribution that the science of Environmental Planning and the men and women experts involved in this discipline; the law professionalizes and regulates the practice in the Philippines. It has been said that a concept is only as good as the men who apply and direct it according to changing circumstances. The enactment of the law : PD 1308 is a milestone of achievement and recognition that indeed comprehensive planning is a good concept. And therefore, the men and women who, propounded and practiced the concept. are equally good and may even be exceptional. It is only appropriate and commendable to give the credence to these trail blazers and pillars of the planning profession. The first set are the founders of the Philippine Institute of Environmental Planners (PIEP) way back in 1969 who after years of assiduous, meticulous and conscientious hard works, aspired for the realization to professionalize planning; primed and organized the proposals for the preparation of PD 1308. The second set are the Officers and Members of the PIEP in 1993 who were able to put into activation the law, through the painstaking and diligent efforts to help effect the long awaited constitution of the first Board of Examiners. The third set the are the members of the organization who continuously structure and work for the enhancement and development of the different concomitants of the dynamic nature of the practice of the profession.

The Founding Members of the Philippine Institute of Environmental Planning

The first Board of Environmental Planning was constituted in June 25,1993 by President Fidel V. Ramos with Serafin G. Aquino, Chaiman; Cesar H.. Concio and Luis T. Tungpalan as members. They were inducted in the most treasured affair of the Philippine Environmental Planners (PIEP), the Accredited Professional Organization for the Environmental Planning by the Professional Regulations Commission. The long awaited constitution of the first Board of Examiners was through the painstaking and diligent efforts of the officers of the organization as follows:

The members of the Board of Environmental Planning from its constitution are the following:

Serafin G. Aquino Chairperson, 1993 – 1999
Cesar H. Concio Member 1993 - 1995
Luis T. Tungpalan Member 1993 - 2000
Leandro Viloria Member 1995 - 1998
Ma. Gabriel Lopez Member 1998 - 1999
Leandro Viloria Member 1999 - 2001
Josefina M. Ramos Chairperson 1999 - present
Lirio T. Abuyuan Member 2000 - present
Carmencita L. Rosales Member 2003 - present

Republic Act No. 10587 
"An Act Regulating the Practice of Environmental Planning, Repealing for the Purpose Presidential Decree 1308, titled “Law Regulating the Environmental Planning Profession in the Philippines,” and for Other Purposes.

Philippine Institute of Environmental Planners (PIEP)

GF SURP Bldg., 
University of the Philippines,
Diliman, Quezon City 
Tel No.:  920-9705  /  920-5301 loc. 4244  /  920-6853  /  924-3370
Fax:  927-3595
Re-accredited:  Res. No. 599 dated March 25, 2011

Existing since 1969, the Philippine Institute of Environmental Planners (PIEP) has for more than three decades promoted the comprehensive physical, economic, social and aesthetic development of the different regions, cities and municipalities of the Philippines and encouraged their balanced development in the best interest of the nation.

It gained added organizational advancement with the signing on March 2, 1978 of Presidential Decree No. 1308, “Law Regulating the Practice of the Profession of Environmental Planning in the Philippines,” which recognized environmental planning as a distinct profession.

In 1993, the Institute held its National Convention with then President Fidel V. Ramos as guest speaker. The occasion led to the formation of the Board of Environmental Planning to exercise regulatory control over environmental planning in the country.

Qualification of Board Members

Each member of the Board shall, at the time of his appointment, possess the following qualifications:

  1. A citizen and resident of the Philippines;
  2. At least thirty (30) years of age and of good moral character;
  3. A holder of an environmental planning degree or its equivalent from a recognized and legally constituted institution of higher learning and with at least three (3) years of practical experience in environmental planning, prior to his appointment; or a degree holder in architecture, civil engineering, economics, public administration, or sociology, and with at least five (5) years of practical experience in environmental planning, prior to his appointment; and
  4. A registered environmental planner duly qualified to practice environmental planning in the Philippines. The members of the first Board shall be deemed automatically registered as environmental planners upon assumption of their duties as members of the Board.