Definition of Practice of Pharmacy
A person shall be deemed to be practicing pharmacy within the meaning of this Article, who shall, for a fee, salary, percentage or other reward paid or given directly to himself or indirectly through another (1) prepare or manufacture, analyze, assay, preserve, store, distribute or sell any medicine, drug, chemicals, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, devices or contrivances used in pursuance thereof; or (2) render pharmaceutical service in any office or drug and cosmetic establishment where scientific, technological or professional knowledge of Pharmacy is applied; or (3) engage in teaching scientific, technological or professional pharmacy subject in a college of pharmacy; or (4) conduct or undertake scientific pharmaceutical research for biological and bacteriological testings and examinations.
However, persons performing executive, managerial or administrative functions and their subordinate personnel employed in the pharmaceutical laboratories referred to in the second paragraph of Section 27 thereof, shall not be considered for purposes of this definition, persons in the practice of pharmacy.
The Board of Pharmaceutical Examiners was created on January 26, 1903 by virtue of Public Act No. 597 under the Department of Interior. The members were appointed by the Commissioner of Public Health upon the advice and consent of the Board of Health.
When Public Act No. 4007 was enacted on December 5, 1932, the executive department was reorganized, placing the Board of Pharmaceutical Examiners under the Department of Public Instruction.
On June 21, 1969, Republic Act No. 5921, “An Act to Regulate the Practice and Setting Standards of Pharmaceutical Education in the Philippines and Other Purposes,” was enacted creating the Board of Pharmacy.
Republic Act No. 10918
An act Regulating and Modernizing the Practice of Pharmacy in the Philippines, repealing for the purpose Republic Act numbered five thousand nine hundred twenty-one (R.A. No. 5921), otherwise known as the Pharmacy Law.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:
Article I
General Provisions
Section. 1. Title. - This Act shall be known as the "Philippine Pharmacy Act".
Section. 2. Statement of Policy. - The State recognizes the vital role of pharmacists in the delivery of quality health care services through the provision of safe, effective, and quality pharmaceutical products, pharmaceutical care, drug information, patient medication counseling, and health promotion. The pharmacists' professional services shall, therefore, be promoted as an indispensable component of the total health care system to ensure the physical well-being of the Filipinos.
Hence, the State shall develop and nurture competent, productive, morally upright, and well-rounded pharmacists whose standards of professional practice and service shall be excellent and globally competitive through regulatory measures, programs, and activities that promote and sustain their continuing professional development.
Philippine Pharmacists Association (PPHA), Inc.
815 R.Papa St.
Sampaloc, Manila
Tel. No.: 313-0851 / 734-4820
Fax: 313-0850
Re-accredited: Res. No. 2008-426 dated February 27, 2008
The unity of the pharmaceutical profession came about in 1920 when some aspirin tablets, quinine, and tincture of iodine imported from the US and sold in Manila were found to have disregarded standards of the Drug Law and the US Pharmacopeia.
A group of pharmacists conducted a series of meetings together with the then existing pharmaceutical organization, the Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico. At their next meeting on August 29, 1920, attended by the majority of the practicing pharmacists in Manila, the group decided to constitute an exclusive association of pharmacists.
Thus, the Association was born. A distinguished member-organization of the Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical Associations, the Philippine Pharmacists Association (PPhA) is also an affiliate member of the Federacion Internationale Pharmaceutique, The Hague Netherlands.
The PPhA was awarded by the PRC as the “Most Outstanding Accredited Professional Organization” in 1994.
Qualification of Board Members
To be appointed a member of the Board of Pharmacy, a person shall be:
- Be a natural born citizen of the Philippines;
- A duly registered pharmacist and has been in the practice of pharmacy for at least ten years;
- Of good moral character and of recognized standing in the pharmaceutical profession;
- At the time of appointment, not a member of the faculty of any school, college or university offering courses in pharmacy or college of pharmacy; and
- A member of good standing of a bona fide national pharmaceutical association of the Philippines.