2021 Most Outstanding Professionals of the Year Awardees

Awardee Baltazar N. Endriga is distinguished as a public accountant who was a Sr. Partner in Sycip, Gorre, Velayo and Co. He was in charge of consultancy, financial services and advanced systems. He became board member of the Institute of Advanced Computer technology, and was chairman of a financial task force, also of computer consultancy and compensation services. He developed SGV’s computer services system for it to become the biggest computer services system in the country. He became President of the Cultural Center of the Philippines believing in culture, arts and education for nation-building. His low-cost computer system served the high-cost computer projects in other countries including the United States. He performed philanthropy and community services combining his skills to serve communities, the environment, education, culture and the arts. Truly a most outstanding and remarkable professional career.

Awardee Gerry Janubas Cano has his distinguished contribution in the field of Criminology. He rendered exemplary service as an educator in Undergraduate, Graduate, and Post Graduate programs of Criminology. His academic work resulted in the recognition bestowed by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) as Center Of Development (COD) in Criminology Education in 2008, and Center of Excellence (COE) in Criminology Education in 2015 to PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College where he serve as Professor and Dean. His efforts has also led to produce board topnotchers for 12 straight years from 2008 to 2019, with a recognition from the Board of Criminology as top performing school in 2018 and 2019. As a researcher, he represented the country in the international conferences of criminology as he presented his research papers and publications in the American Society of Criminology (ASC), International Society of Criminology (ISC), and ASIAN Criminological Society (ACS) where he serve as the first filipino council member of the Asian Criminological Society. He also took a bold step in 2019 when he and the Professional Criminologists Association of the Philippines (PCAP) hosted the 11th Asian Criminological Society conference which was attended by world renowned criminologists in USA, Europe, Autralia, and Canada. As a leader of the Criminology Association he took the lead in lobbying before the halls of the Philippine Congress that lead to the eventual passage of The Philippine Criminology Profession Act of 2018 – R.A. 11131 which was signed into Law by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte on November 8, 2018. The years of passion to bring the criminology profession in the Philippines to greater heights marks the true character of “Malasakit” for the Filipino Criminolgists these and more shows his commitment and professionalism in his field. His competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as Outstanding Certified Security Professional of the Year by the Philippine Society for Industrial Security (PSIS), Most Outstanding Mindanaoan in the Private School Governance and Leadership by Ayala and Veterans Bank, and several other awards and commendations from various government and private colleges and universities, associations and corporations. As a member of Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Technical Panel for Criminal Justice Education, Continuing Professional Development Council (CPD) for Criminology, International Society of Criminology (ISC), American Society of Criminology (ASC), Asian Criminology Society (ACS), Professional Criminologists Association of the Philippines (PCAP), and Council of Deans in Criminology Education, his relentless dedication to the organizations is a testament of his outstanding career.

Awardee Silverio F. Montalbo distinguished himself in the field of Customs Broker. His exemplar service earned him the Proficiency in Tariff and Proficiency in Customs Awards given by PMI Colleges; Plague of Recognition from Bonded Warehouse Division, Bureau of Customs for collection contribution; and citations from various Masonic Lodge. Other awards were the Best Effort Award given by SHARP Corporation, Japan, for his outstanding contribution in the Cost Down Program by applying his knowledge of Tariff and Customs rules, regulations, and practices. There were also citations and recognitions from various Higher Education Institution - Lyceum of the Philippines, University of Batangas, PMI Colleges and other similar institutions. As a member of the Board for Customs Brokers he has initiated corrective initiatives that resulted to the increase of Passing Percentage of Customs Brokers Licensure Examination from 13% in Y2006 to 26% in Y2010 and 39% in Y2013 before he left the Professional Regulatory Board for Customs Broker in Y2014. His relentless dedication to professional organizations is a testament of his outstanding career.

Awardee Dr. Rowena V. Bañes is outstanding in her distinguished contribution in the field of Guidance and Counseling. She was a former Director of the USLS -Guidance and Evaluation Center and is now the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences while serving as a Volunteer Guidance Counselor of GABRIELA-Negros and Bahay Pag-asa Youth Center. She is also a community collaborator of JCI-Bacolod in facilitating guidance and counseling, and psycho-social support services to people particularly those in difficult situations. Her track record have earned her various awards and recognition such as The (La Sallian) Outstanding Mentor, Administrator and Staff Award (THOMAS) in 2010 and 2019; the Most Outstanding Teacher Award from Metro Bank Foundations (National Semi-Finalist) in 2011; and the GAWAD BAGONHON Award from Bago City Government in 2018. As a member of the Philippine Guidance and Counseling Association, Inc., the Psychological Association of the Philippines, the PGCA-Negros Occidental Guidance and Counseling Association (Immediate Past President), and as the current President of the Higher Education Association of Gender and Development Focal Persons – WV, her relentless dedication to these organizations is a testament of her outstanding career.

Awardee Marianita D. Dablio has her distinguished contribution in the field of Librarianship. She demonstrated exemplar service as Founding Chair, Department of Library and Information Science. With her commitment and professionalism she earned various awards and recognition such as PLAI Natatanging Laybraryan sa Mindanao; UPLSAA Distinguished Alumni Award, UPLSAA 50 Outstanding Alumni, MSU Loyalty Award, Presidential Merit, and Certificate of Commendation; Presidential Plaque of Recognition, Mindanao Librarians and Libraries Association, 2004; MISORLA Service Award. She was the President of the Mindanao libraries and Librarians Association, Office of MISORLA, member of the PAARL and UP Alumni - MSU Chapter, Assistant Secretary and Vice-Chair of the NCCA-NCLIS and accreditor of AACUP and PLAI and the Philippine Lirbrarians Associaation, and PLI-ARMMLC. Her professional dedication to professional organizations in her field is a testament of her outstanding career.

Awardee Amor Q. De Torres established her distinguished contribution in the field of the Professional Teacher. Her exemplar service was demonstrated by her becoming the Chair of the Technical Panel for Teacher Education of CHED that produced CMO 52, s. 2007. The CHED Memorandum Order required the faculty members teaching the professional education courses to be holder of a valid certificate of registration and professional license examination for teachers (LET) as provided in RA 8951. As a member of the Teacher Education Council, the National Competency Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS), the forerunner of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) was finalized and used by the Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers as their professional development guide. And for our Indigenous brothers and sisters, she enjoined the Lumads to help craft the Accelerated Teacher Education Program (ATEP) for the Muslims and the Accelerated Teacher Education for the Lumads (ATEL). Her commitment and professionalism have earned her various awards and recognition including the Zonta Rose Day Award of Excellence ’21 an honor and tribute given by the Zonta club to an outstanding woman in the community and for being Zonta’s partner in empowering women and girls specially in the advocary to “Stop Human Trafficking and End Modern Day Slavery”. She is a member of the Philippine Association for Teachers and Educators (PAFTE), UNESCO ESD, UNESCO DOST, SEAMEO ESD, UNESCO Associated Schools Program (ASP), and her relentless dedication to these organizations is a testament of her outstanding career.

Awardee Rodrigo B. Mallonga demonstrated his distinguished contribution in the field of Real Estate Services. He was a Real Estate Broker, Real Estate Appraiser, and Real Estate Consultant, demonstrating his commitment and professionalism in his field. His competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as Philippines Institute of Real Estate Service Practitioners (PhilRes) Inc. Nominee for Outstanding Professional for Real Estate Service Year 2015, Construction and Real Estate Award (CREA) Awardee Gawad Sulo Foiundation – 2016 Prestigious Seal Award as Real Estate Consultant and 2021 PhilRes Good Standing Awardee. He was a member of Federation Internationale des Administrateurs de Biens Conseils et Agents Immobiliers, Vice President for Mindanao, International Real Estate Federation; Founding President/Chairman of the Board, Philippine Institute of Real Estate Service (PhilRes Butuan City Chapter); Founding President, Chairman of the Board, Philippine Federation of Real Estate Service Professional, Inc. (PFRESPI Caraga Chapter); Founding President, Chairman of the Board, Chamber of Real Estate & Builders’ Association, Inc. (CREBA Caraga Chapter); Founding President, Chairman of the Board, PAREB-Butuan Realtors Board Inc.; National Director, Philippine Institute of Environmental Planners (PIEP); and Founding President, Philippine Chamber of Real Estate Consultants (PHILCOREC) Inc. His relentless dedication to the organizations is a testament of his outstanding career.

Awardee Emervencia L. Ligutom established her distinguished contribution in the field of Social Work. Her exemplar service draws from her becoming Chair, Social Work Department of Silliman University for over ten years. She was a consistent excellent instructor for 40 years of teaching social work. She was a Co-proponent for a Certificate Course in Community Organizing, also initiating a Certificate Course in Service-Learning. She headed the community engagement program which developed community partnerships and projects for people empowerment in Negros Oriental. Leading the Silliman University’s Service-Learning Program she forged partnerships with universities in Asia and the US for international engagements; As an innovator, she promoted service-learning as a pedagogy of teaching in universities in the Philippines and in Asia in partnership with the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia (UBCHEA). She displayed leadership in Silliman University’s Psychosocial Support Program for the survivors of calamities and disasters in Negros Oriental and other areas in the Visayas. Being a local focal person, she supported the Society of Filipino Family Therapists (SOFFT) in Dumaguete City, developed a module called “Back to Basics: Casting Into the Deep that combines self-mastery, team enhancement, productivity and personal and organizational alignment. “ This has been conducted with government and non-government organizations, people’s organizations, academe, corporate settings, and faith-based organizations throughout the Philippines. In addition to presenting papers on Service-Learning, Disaster Management in international conferences, she provided services to government and non-government organizations and civil societies through capability building, membership in governing boards, speakerships or consultancy in specific areas of expertise. Her free online psychological first aid and social work counseling served those affected by the pandemic including repatriated OFWs. She was awarded 2019 Outstanding Social Worker of the Philippines conferred by the Philippine Association of Social Workers, Inc., the 2021 Gawad Parangal sa Natatanging Kontribusyon ng Manggagawang Panlipunan conferred by the Asean Consortium of Social Work-Philippines . Her membership with the Philippine Association of Social Workers, Inc. displays her relentless dedication to the organization as a testament of her outstanding career.

Awardee Benjamin Pablo E. Simbulan is a distinguished contributor in the field of Aeronautical Engineering. His exemplar service was demonstrated during his tenure as Senior Executive Manager with recognized organizations and companies in the field of aviation, including Airline Operation, Approved Maintenance Organization and Approved Training Organization. His roles varied in different “Key Personnel” positions, such as Head of Engineering, Maintenance, Quality and Safety that only competent individuals can be nominated and approved by the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines. His commitment and professionalism, competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as PRC Board of Examiner for Aeronautical Engineering, same as achieving the Advanced Master’s Degree in Advanced Master in Aviation Safety Management at ENAC a prestigious foreign aviation institution in France. He is also a concurrent member of Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Technical Panel for Engineering and Technology. As a member of Society of Aerospace Engineers of the Philippines (SAEP), Philippine Society of Non-Destructive Testing (PSNT) and Philippine Association of Professional Regulation Board (PAPRB) his relentless dedication to these organizations is a testament of his outstanding career.

Awardee Francia M. Macalintal distinguished herself in the field of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. She led the formulation and enforcement of policies that helped uplift the practice of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering profession and enhance the status of the Agricultural and Biosystems Engineers (ABE). Her efforts ensured that the performance of the constructors of agri-fisheries infrastructure projects of DA are compliant to standards and specifications and are completed on time. She helped facilitate the successful implementation of postharvest facilities projects of DA (e.g. Farm Level Grains Centers) that provide value adding to farmers produce. Her commitment and professionalism won her various awards and recognition such as:
a. 2021 Most Outstanding Agricultural and Biosystems Engineer (MARAMBA Award);
b. Inspiring Filipina Engineer Award;
c. Outstanding Agricultural Engineer in the Field of Farm Structures;
d. Distinguished Service Award as PSAE President in 2009-2010;
e. Conferred as ASEAN Engineer in 2007; and
f. Accredited by the DTI-CIAP as Constructors Performance Evaluator for agri-fisheries infrastructure projects.
As a member of Philippine Society of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineers (PSABE), her relentless dedication to the organizations is a testament of her outstanding career.

Awardee Philipina A. Marcelo has distinguished contribution in the field of Chemical Engineering. She demonstrated exemplar service becoming only the second woman Dean of the University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Engineering during the K-12 transition, revision of all tertiary curricula, and the sudden shift to remote instruction; for introducing innovative educational leadership approaches and implemented outcomes-based education, leading to the recognition of all six engineering programs by the Philippine Technological Council, the US-based Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), the ASEAN University Network – Quality Assurance (for ChE and Electronics Engineering), the Commission on Higher Education, and the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges, and Universities. She shows commitment and professionalism in her field through lifelong learning and excellent relationship with stakeholders that led to unprecedented donations for continuous quality improvement. Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned her various awards and recognition such as becoming a two-time Fulbright Exchange Program scholar and being recognized by UST for outstanding publication. As a member of the Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers and the Philippine Association of Engineering Schools where she served as President, her unwavering dedication to these organizations is a testament of her outstanding career.

Awardee Maria Catalina E. Cabral is distinguished in the field of Civil Engineering. She is the first female rank-and-file employee to become Undersecretary of the government’s engineering and construction arm – Department of Public Works and Highways; She oversaw the over-all supervision and control of Information Management, Planning and Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Services, manage all matters relating to infrastructure planning and developments; formulate and updates policies, guidelines and standards; She also made history as the first Filipina Civil Engineer elected as National President of the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE) in 2017 and re-elected in 2018 with her notable accomplishments. She became subject matter expert, resource person and inspirational speaker both in local and international; She advocated the upgrading of standards of practice in civil engineering profession in the Philippines, promotes and advocates the protection of the professional interest of the civil engineers particularly on the issue of Philippine Civil Engineering Law and the implementation of the revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Philippine National Building Code; She heads the DPWH Climate Change Steering Committee; Worked in the formulation of the Philippine Green Building Code; Promotes transparency and good governance of the DPWH Performance Governance System (PGS) in order to improve public service delivery and encourages the proactive participation of multi-sectoral groups towards attaining the organizational goals of the Department; She served as official DPWH representative to various board (Light Rail Transit Authority, National Irrigation Administration, Philippine Ports Authority, National Parks Development Committee, Philippine Economic Zone Authority, Tourism Infrastructure Enterprise Zone Authority, National Competitive Council). Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record earned her various awards and recognitions such as the 2021 Most Outstanding Award by the University of the East, 021 PEZA Galing Pinas Ecozone Partnership Award; 2020 Excellence Awardee from Philippine Federations of Professional Associations; She is the 2021 Professorial Chair in Engineering, Science and Technology Polytechnique University of the Philippines (PUP); 2019-2021 National President of the Road Engineering Association of the Philippines; President, PICE Batanes Chapter;Chairperson-Technical Committee (TC-24) for Gender and Development in Infrastructure of the Asian Civil Engineering Coordinating Council (ACECC); and 2017 and 2018, National Past President Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE).

Awardee Rolando Mendoza Nicolas distinguished himself in the field of Electrical Engineering. He was Project Supervision - Consultancy Electrical Design & Value Engineer, Engineer in Information System/Geographical Information System (EIS/GIS), Academe Electrical Engineer. He earned various awards and recognition such as 2021 Professional Regulation Commission Outstanding Professionals of the Year Award in the field of Electrical Engineering , Certificate of Recognition (2018 IIEE National President Awardee) - IIEE Presidential Awards Night on November 16, 2018 Microtel Hotel, Pasay City, Metro Manila, 2018 Bagong Bayani Award for Outstanding Employee, 2017 IIEE Most Outstanding Electrical Engineer in the field of Consultancy - 42nd IIEE Annual National Convention , Plaque of Recognition as 2014 Vice Chairman, PCEA-KSA - MoU signing between Saudi Council of Engineers (SCE) & Philippine Council of Engineers & Architects at the Philippine Embassy, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Certificate of Appreciation ABS-CBN, Bantay Bata 163 Foundation , Chapter Excellence Award (Gold) as Chapter President - 37th IIEE Annual National Convention. , Leadership Award as 2012 Chapter President - 14th IIEE-CRCSA Annual Convention, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. As a member of various professional organizations such as Professional Electrical Engineer – United Professional Electrical Engineers of the Philippines (UPEEP), ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer (ACPE) - ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA), and ASEAN Engineer - ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (AFEO), Senior Member - Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (IIEE) his relentless dedication to these organizations is a testament of his outstanding career.

Awardee Melvin C. Acosta displayed an outstanding career in the field of Electronics Engineering. He showed exemplar service in the profession as former head of Engineering of ABS CBN’s Regional Network Group. He was very much involved in the transmission network operations and nationwide coverage expansion program. As an instructor In Mapua Institute of Technology he had shared his knowledge in Broadcast Engineering and Electromagnetics. He also stands as expert witness in broadcast, cable TV and direct-to-home for new venture applications at the National Telecommunications Commission and currently a technical consultant of the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) in the nationwide digital TV policy and implementation program, thus, showing his commitment and professionalism in his field. His competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as his being the Most Outstanding Engineer in the field of Broadcasting in 1999 as conferred by the Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (IECEP). He was the President and CEO of his APO, namely, IECEP in 2013. He was the President of the Society of Broadcast Engineers, was the Chairman of the Technical Sub-committee for the Technical Working Group (TWG) that made recommendation for the adoption of digital terrestrial TV standard for the country. He is currently the chairman of Mapua University Program Academic Advisory Panel (PAAP) for Electronics Engineering. As a member of IECEP, he is very active in sharing his knowledge with his co- professionals by conducting seminars in practically all local chapters and a number of foreign chapters for Engineering Management, Digital TV Technology, and Project Management. During his stint as President of IECEP, he improved the multi-track seminar offering during its annual general membership meeting with 70 speakers in 10 specialty tracks, clearly defined the duties and responsibilities of the national office and local chapters in serving the membership among others. Presently, he is very active as speaker or as chair or as member of various committees of his APO. His relentless dedication to these organizations is a testament of his outstanding career.

Awardee Eulalio B. Austin has distinguished contribution in the field of Mining Engineering and Operations. His rendered exemplar service in his 38 Years of experience, and still counting, in Philex Mining Corporation wherein he rose from the rank of Mining Engineer to his current position of Chief Executive Officer and President. Since 2003, he held the top position in Padcal Mine Operations, where he led the operations to one of its most profitable years in 2011 and a number of Life of Mine extensions thru continuous operational improvements and engineering interventions. He made representation to the board of trustees of the St. Louis University and supported the re-opening of the Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering course which closed when the mining industry was in recession. Concurrently, he is the CEO and President of Philex Gold Philippines (Silangan Project) and a Board of Director for Philex Petroleum. The Silangan Copper-Gold Project in Surigao del Norte, when put into operations, is one of the biggest copper-gold mine in the country. He showed commitment and professionalism in his field and earned various awards and recognition such as Competent Person for Copper and Gold Deposit by the Philippine Society of Mining Engineers (PSEM), accredited ASEAN Engineer, 2016 Outstanding Mining Engineer in the field of Mine Management by PSEM and CEO of the Year in Mining given by The Asset Awards Corporate Governance Asia. As a member of PSEM, he founded the Philippine Society of Mining Engineers PSEM-Philex Chapter. He is a Board of Trustee and member of the Executive Committee of the Chamber of Mines of the Philippines (CoMP). He spearheaded the adoption of Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) in the mining operations of CoMP members. He is a member of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Philippines (PH-EITI), Management Association of the Philippines (MAP), Financial Executives Association of the Philippines (FINEX), Harvard Business School (HBS) Alumni Association and Asian Institute of Management (AIM) Alumni Association. His relentless dedication to the organizations is a testament of his outstanding career.

Awardee Chona A. Evangelista is a distinguished achiever in the field of Mechanical Engineering. Her exemplar service was displayed by her helping the government in the regulation of the practice of the mechanical engineering profession in the country and as an ASEAN Engineer she did cross-border practice in Asia to show her commitment and professionalism in her field. Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned her various awards and recognition such as being one of Ten Outstanding Mechanical Engineers (Special Field: Human Resources), Institutional Award by the University of Mindanao, Fellow Award. As a member of the Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers and Pambansang Samahan ng Inhinyero Mekanical. Her relentless dedication to the organizations is a testament of her outstanding career.

Awardee Hilbert M. Cardenas distinguished himself in the field of Metallurgical Engineering. He displayed exemplar service as transfer of mining industry’s best practice from first-tier gold producers overseas to local mines. His commitment and professionalism earned him various awards and recognition such as competent person in Metallurgy by the Philippine Mineral Reporting Code. As a member of the Society of Metallurgical Engineers of the Philippines, his relentless dedication to the organization is a testament of his outstanding career.

Awardee Bernardo C. Hornilla set his distinguished contribution in the field of Sanitary Engineering. His exemplar service was shown by her becoming General Manager of Batangas City Water District and his 36 years of continuous service in the delivery of safe, affordable and sufficient water supply to the consumers of Batangas City. He is considered one of the champions of Water Safety Plan implementers in the country. He applied a risk management tool designed to ensure the safety of drinking water through the use of comprehensive risk assessment and management approach from the water source to consumer’s tap. His expertise and experience in the operation and maintenance of water production facilities focus primarily in the quantity and quality assurance of drinking water and part of BCWD Non-Revenue Water team. He devoted his time in sharing his skills and knowledge in the field of environmental and sanitary engineering as resource speaker, adviser and researcher particularly the Groundwater Assessment of Batangas ‘City: Calumpang River as an alternative source of water supply. As guest lecturer at the Batangas State University in the College of Environmental and Sanitary Engineering he showed his commitment and professionalism in his field. His competence, excellence and commendable track record earned him various awards and recognition such as: a 35 Years in Service Award given by BCWD, Member-1993 Group Study Exchange Team sent to Arizona, USA thru Rotary Foundation, ASEAN Engineer in the field of Sanitary Engineering, ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer. Among his membership with professional associations, he is a member of the Philippine Society of Sanitary Engineers as National Officer from 2008 to 2019, past President of PICE Batangas Chapter, past president of the Rotary Club of Batangas/Multiple Paul Harris Fellow. His relentless dedication to these organizations is a testament of his outstanding career.

Awardee Dr. Steve Mark G. Gan has s distinguished contribution in the field of Dentistry. He is an Oral Surgeon, Implantologist, and Prosthodontis. He was the Founder, President and CEO of Gan Advanced Osseointegration Center (GAOC) Group of Companies. Former Chairman and Member of the Board of Dentistry of the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) from 2010 to 2016; Executive Vice President of the Philippine Association of the Professional Regulatory Board Members Inc. from 2014 to 2016; Consultant and Former Department Head at St. Luke’s Medical Center Global City and Quezon City He was Visiting Professor at University of Genoa, Genova, Italy, Visiting Professor at Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU), and Invited Lecturer and Speaker in various local and international conventions, conferences, and scientific seminars. He earned various awards and recognition such as the 2018 Outstanding Award and Corporate Excellence Award in Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, and Biotechnology from Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards, 2016 Service and Excellence Award from the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), 2014 Men of Exemplary Influence Award from Philippine Cancer Society, 2013 People of the Year Award and 2010 Men Who Matter Award from People Asia Magazine, 2009 Most Outstanding Lion’s Club Member, 2008-2009 Philippine Academy of Implant Dentistry (PAID) Leadership Award, 2007 Dangal ng Bayan Awardee as Most Outstanding Dental Clinic, 2007 Most Outstanding Dental Clinic from National Consumer’s Excellence Awards. He is a member of the Board of Regents of the University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center (UERMMMC), Full Fellow and Member of the Board of Directors of the Philippine Prosthodontic Society (PPS), Former President (June 2008 to December 2009), Full Fellow, Member of the Board of Regents, and Chairman of the Scientific Committee, Examination Committee, and Ways and Means Committee of the Philippine Academy of Implant Dentistry (PAID), International Director Committee for Asia, Active Member, and Project Head for Overseas Outreach Program of the Academy of Osseointegration. His relentless dedication to the organizations is a testament of his outstanding career.

Awardee Josephine Kigis Bay-ed has distinguished contribution in the field of Midwifery. She was president of IMAP CAR. She led the organization and conduct of the yearly IMAP regional convention for the Continuing Professional Development of her colleagues in the region. Her functions include being the MCH coordinator, supervising the implementation of the maternal and child care services in the health centers of Baguio City and gives technical supervision to 28 midwives in the different health centers. Against all odds, she was able to facilitate the licensing of two birthing facilities of the city. She is also the City Coordinator of the Barangay Health Workers of the City. On top of her job, she performed the duties of the vacated nurse V and Nurse IV from March - December 2020. She earned various awards and recognition such as : the Plaque of recognition for her 40 years of dedicated service by the Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence Committee, City Government of Baguio, Semi- Finalist to the Lingkod Bayan and Pagasa Awards, and Johnsons and Johnsons Outstanding Midwives Award of the Philippines. Her relentless dedication to the Integrated Midwives Association of the Philippines Inc. is a testament of her outstanding career.

Awardee Jaime C. Montoya distinguished himself in the field of Medicine through exemplar service as Lead convenor of the Philippine National Health Research System; a staunch advocate for health research ethics, highly-skilled infectious disease expert and researcher on tuberculosis and other infectious diseases; and leading promoter of human resource development in health research in the country. He earned various awards and recognition such as an Outstanding Young Scientist of the Philippines 1998; one of the Ten Outstanding Young Men of the Philippines (TOYM) for 2001; Academician of the National Academy of Science and Technology in 2008; Dr Jose P. Rizal Memorial Award for Research 2010, Achievement Award in Medical Sciences 2011, Presidential Lingkod Bayan Award 2012, and Presidential Gawad Career Executive Service Award 2013 awarded by President Benigno S. Aquino III. He was one of the 15 global scientists of the Independent Group of Scientists appointed by the UN Secretary General to draft the 2023 Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR). Having led professional organizations such as the Philippine College of Physicians, Philippine Society for Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Philippine Hospital Infection Control Society, Philippine Coalition Against Tuberculosis, National Research Council of the Philippines, Science Council of Asia and the Philippine Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology among others. His relentless dedication to the organizations is a testament of his outstanding career.

Awardee Roberto G. Manaois is an outstanding achiever who demonstrated exemplar service in his profession as Technical & Professional Training Officer in MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND SEROLOGY, HEMATOLOGY, CLINICAL CHEMISTRY. He also engaged in other specialized trainings while giving scientific lectures for PAMET, PASMETH, universities, hospitals & laboratories all around the Philippines. His commitment and professionalism earned him various awards and recognition such as a Distinguished Alumnus Award for 2010 -FEU NRMC School of Med Tech; 2021 Outstanding Professional of the Year in the field of Medical Technology – PRC; 2013-2021 Most Outstanding Faculty for 9 Semesters: San Beda University (MBA Level); Academic Award insane Beda GSB (Summa Cum Gaudiest Dissertation & St. Benedict’s Visionary Award); Academic Award in Ateneo GSB (Silver Medalist -MBA Regis Program 2011). He is a member of the FACULTY: UST Graduate School & Faculty of Pharmacy, LPU Batangas Master of Science in Medical Laboratory Science, San Beda University (GSB) CHAIR: Professional Development and Leadership Committee. Philippine Association of Medical Technologists. His relentless dedication to these organizations is a testament of his outstanding career.

Awardee Guillerma B. Apigo distinguished herself in the field of Nutrition and Dietetics. Her exemplar service was shown as a Member, Technical Working Group on the Finalization of the Revised Hospital Nutrition and Dietetics Service Manual and Orientation on the Administrative Order on the Guideline of Nutrition Care Process in the Hospital; She was Chairperson of Southern Philippines Medical Center Employees Cooperative (2009-2017); Representative to the World Lay Camillian Family Assembly in Motenillo, Italy; National President; Co-Chairperson during the 53rd and 63rd NDAP Annual Convention- 2008 and 2018 respectively; SPMC Chairperson Bids and Awards Committee-2004-2007. She earned various awards and recognition such as the Plaque of Recognition for her 40 years of Service in Southern Philippines Medical Center; Plaque of Recognition as NDAP-Davao Chapter President (2006-2008 and 2014-2020); Clara Ruth Darby Memorial Lectureship Award in 2017; Outstanding Nutritionist-Dietitian of the Year in 2015 and Outstanding Nutritionist-Dietitian Provincial Member award in 2009. She is currently a member of Nutritionist-Dietitians’ Association of the Philippines (NDAP); Philippine Association of Nutrition (PAN), DOH-League of Registered Nutritionist-Dietitian and Lay Camillian Family. Her relentless dedication to these organizations is a testament of her outstanding career.

Awardee Olivia M. Limuaco distinguished herself in the field of Pharmacy. Her exemplar service was demonstrated as PHARMACY EDUCATOR for 44 years at Centro Escolar University School of Pharmacy, offering the 1st 2 year Post Baccalaureate degree leading to Doctor of Pharmacy in 2005. She worked for the 1st PACUCOA Level IV accreditation of BS Pharmacy program and was the first to introduce ladderized Pharmacy program. She was President of PACOP twice, and President of PPHA, also Secretary General and Vice President of FAPA, PPhA official delegate and member of FIP in 2015-2016, Member of the PRC CPE Council for Pharmacy and Chair, of the CHED Technical Committee for Pharmacy Education, 2006-2007. Her commitment and professionalism in her field earned her various awards and recognition such as 2021 PFPA DISTINCTION AWARD IN THE PHARMACIST PROFESSION AND THE PFPA EXCELLENCE AWARD IN PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION DEVELOPMENT, 2020 PPHA LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD, 2020 PACOP 1ST LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD, 2019 PPHA GAWAD LOURDES T. ECHAUZ AWARD, 2018 ESCOLARIAN VISION EXEMPLAR AWARD, 2009 PPHA BOWL OF HYGEIA AWARD AND 1999 PPHA OUTSTANDING PHARMACIST AWARD FOR PHARMACEUTICAL EDUCATION AND 2010 FAPA PLAQUE OF RECOGNITION FOR SERVICE RENDERED. As a member of Philippine Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (PACOP), Philippine Pharmacists Association (PPhA), Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy (AASP), Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical Associations (FAPA), Federacion International Pharmaceutique (FIP), her relentless dedication to the organizations is a testament of her outstanding career.

Awardee Maria Martina Geraldine Q. Dimalibot distinguished her career in the field of Nursing. She was a Nurse Leader serving as Senior Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer of Nursing Care Group at St Luke’s Medical Medical Center both Global City and Quezon City. She was the driving force who led the Pathway to Excellence Designation by the American Nurses Credentialing Center, First in the Philippines, First Research Cell Center System recognized by PNRSI Faculty of St. Paul University Manila’s Graduate School and College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences. She served the Philippine Nurses Association (PNA) as Governor of PNA Zone 4. Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned her various awards and recognition such as one of the 100 Most Influential Filipina Woman in the World in 2018 awarded by Filipina Women Network , Inc during last Filipina Leadership Global Summit in Pancras Renaissance Hotel, London , U.K; Model Associate Award (Senior managerial Award Category) 2002, Zero Sick Leave Awardee 2000 to 2001; Model Employee (Junior Managerial Category) 1999; 1998 Candidate for Best Employee (Admin Division); and 1997 Best Employee (Continuing Nursing Education).

Awardee Welthy E. Villanueva’s distinguished contribution is in the field of Optometry. She demonstrated exemplar service by giving free optometric services and eyeglasses as needed to various indigenous peoples of Palawan such as the Bataks, Palau’an and Tagbanuas. She pioneered the SIGHT FOR PALAWAN Program of the Palawan Provincial Health Office, while conducting the training of clinic teachers on Vision Screening in the DEPED Division of Puerto Princesa City and Palawan. Students with deficient vision were refracted and given prescription eyeglasses through the help of the local optometric organization. Screening was performed for various Senior Citizens of the different municipalities of the Province for cataract and referred to organizations that provide Cataract Surgeries. Trainings were also provided to Municipal Health Officers, Nurses, Midwives, BHWs and Optometrists in the province on how to provide Primary Eye Care in their localities. A network was established with different organizations in promoting Eye Health in the Province. Her track record have earned her various awards and recognition such as the GAWAD GENY LOPEZ BAYANING PILIPINO AWARD in 2010, TEN OUTSTANDING ILIGANON in 2011, CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION DANGAL NG BAYAN AWARD in 2012, and PUERTO PRINCESA CITY MAYORS AWARD 2014. As a member of INTEGRATED PHILIPPINE ASSOCIATION OF OPTOMETRISTS, INC. her relentless dedication to the organizations is a testament of her outstanding career.

Awardee Dolores Cruz Pambid distinguished herself in the field of Radiologic Technology. She demonstrated leadership as a Radiologic Technologist and Radiology Manager for over three decades, both in government and private hospitals. She led Radiologic Technologists to work together in delivering effective and efficient operations and services. She established internship programs for BSRT students and training programs for Rad Tech's which enhanced the competitive edge of the Radiologic Technologists in the country and abroad. She served in the Academe as Program Dean of the BS Radiologic Technology. She then strengthened the BSRT Program and guided students to become topnotchers in the Radiologic Technologists Board Exam year after year. She established the Philippine Society of Government Radiologic Technologists (PSGRT) and, as its founding President, led her fellow RT's to petition for the inclusion of the Radiologic Technology position title in the book of position index for government agencies. Along with the distinguished allied health professionals she incorporated Social Responsibility in her profession by spearheading medical missions organized by PSGRT, providing Mobile X-Ray services, and consistently extending help and assistance to patients referred to her. She earned various awards and recognition such as Special Research Award for the research on Teacher's Behavior and its Relation to Performance in Health-Related Courses, for which she is a co-author, and Top Performing Faculty Award, Lyceum of the Philippines Saint Cabrini, Laguna.

Awardee Maribeth Anne P. Gelisanga is recognized for her distinguished contribution in the field of physical therapy. She showed her exemplar service as a clinician, educator, researcher, and advocate. She showed her commitment and professionalism in her field, with a leadership that ensures the overall wellness of the people with her initiatives such as the Staff Mentoring Program that is focused on arming the staff with research and leadership capabilities. Also a wellness ecosystem, ensuring overall wellness and productivity, and reduce burnout. She ensured that young physical therapists are educated through the best pedagogy when their institution transitioned to outcomes-based education and have accredited continuing professional development provider. She has initiated and collaborated to create responsive, flexible, and safe service delivery systems at the time of the pandemic. Her competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned her various awards and recognition such as the University of the Philippines’ International Publication Awards, Training Grant in a Foreign University, and World Confederation of Physical Therapy bursary grant. She is an advocate of evidence-informed rehabilitation, persons with disability, gender and development, ethics in research, quality assurance, and patient safety, and has integrated these concepts in her initiatives and research projects. As a lifetime member of the Philippine Physical Therapy Association (PPTA), Ms. Gelisanga has been of service to the association. She is a founding member of the Geriatrics Special interest group and actively participates in the advocacy group – Filipino PTs in the Government. Her relentless dedication to the organization is a testament of her outstanding career.

Mr. Michael Jorge Fulgencio is a Most Outstanding Professional in the field of Respiratory Therapy. His exemplar service was demonstrated as an Officer of the ARCPP serving as the Secretary and Board of Director in 2003 and 2007. As an active member, participated in all the projects provided by the organization and moderates the tour of continuous professional education programs of the local chapters. He showed his commitment and professionalism in the field and earned various awards and recognition such as his commendable service at San Juan de Dios Educational Foundation Inc Hospital, 2007-2009 Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Hospital Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 2009-2015 King Fahad Medical City Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2016-2018 Emilio Aguinaldo College, and 2018 up to present Respiratory Therapist at Jose B. Lingad Memorial General Hospital. He served as Respiratory Therapists III with supervisory works, also active as the hospital’s COVID operation center member, ISO point person member and Infection Control liaison. He was a former Academe, Clinician and Ex OFW working as Respiratory Therapist in Middle East and chose to stay and work here in our country than abroad in order to share his knowledge on the latest practice in critical respiratory. He performed Institutional research in San Juan De Dios Educational Foundation on “How to Reduce The Growth of Microorganism in Cascade Humidifier”. He was a research adviser on the study for "Modified Blow-Bottle Device for Airway Clearance among Respondents with Cough In Metro Manila" and won 2nd Place Marriot Hotel, 1st Place Research Colloquium at Emilio Aguinaldo College, Manila for an "Assessment of Dalandan (Citrus aurantium) juice extract. As a member of ARCPP he possesses a profound expertise in the Respiratory Therapy arena, demonstrated excellent knowledge and competence in the practice. On several occasions, he collaborated with interdisciplinary teams to ensure a smooth working of the facility, gaining respect from the medical and nursing team for his excellent service to patients. Through leadership in professional organizations in his field he gave a lasting testament of an outstanding career.

Awardee Dr. Erwin Joseph S. Cruz has distinguished himself in the field of Veterinary Medicine. He is a fellow of the Philippine College of Poultry Practitioners, a Pioneer Veterinarian in the practice of Free-Range Poultry Genetics and Production (since 1997). He is the Chairman, Technical Working Group- Bureau of Agricultural and Fishery Standards, Department of Agriculture (TWG-BAFS DA): Philippine Standards for Free-Range Chicken. Also Chairman, Technical Working Group- Bureau of Agricultural and Fishery Standards, Department of Agriculture (TWG-BAFS DA): Philippine National Standards for Duck; Vice Chairman, Technical Working Group- Bureau of Agricultural and Fishery Standards, Department of Agriculture (TWG-BAFS DA): Philippine National Standards for Table Eggs.
He founded and organized the Filipino Smallholder Poultry Raisers Association Inc. (FILSPRA), Former President & Board, Philippine College of Poultry Practitioners (PCPP), and Presently, President, Philippine Duck Meat Association (PDMA).
He created the 1997 Bayanihan Poultry Program customized for small and medium scale poultry farmers nationwide, this program directly contributes to nation-building: to the food security, livelihood, poverty alleviation, and health and nutrition in the provinces; also to women empowerment and youth development, to the institutionalization of free-range chicken farming as a sustainable endeavor, and indirectly to peace and order in the community.
He conducted hundreds of lectures, seminars, and training modules as well as inspirational talks on free-range chicken genetics and production based on the Bayanihan Poultry Program nationwide (as far as Sultan Kudarat in Mindanao and Aparri in Luzon) and in Southeast Asia and Pacific (Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Guam).
Among awards and recognitions he received were the 2011 Most Outstanding Veterinarian in Agribusiness awarded by the Philippine Veterinary Medical Association (PVMA) and 2011 Most Outstanding Poultry Practitioner awarded by the Veterinary Practitioners Association of the Philippines (VPAP), 2011 Most Outstanding Veterinarian in Agribusiness awarded by the Philippine Veterinary Medical Association (PVMA), and 2011 Most Outstanding Poultry Practitioner awarded by the Veterinary Practitioners Association of the Philippines (VPAP).
He is the Chairman, Technical Working Group- Bureau of Agricultural and Fishery Standards, Department of Agriculture (TWG-BAFS DA): Philippine National Standards for Free-Range Chicken; Chairman, Technical Working Group- Bureau of Agricultural and Fishery Standards, Department of Agriculture (TWG-BAFS DA): Philippine National Standards for Duck; and Vice Chairman, Technical Working Group- Bureau of Agricultural and Fishery Standards, Department of Agriculture (TWG-BAFS DA): Philippine National Standards for Table Eggs.
His relentless dedication to the organizations is a testament of his outstanding career.

Awardee Agriculturist Norvie L. Manigbas demonstrated a distinguished career in the field of rice and sugarcane breeding, biotechnology, and agronomy. He showed exemplar service as breeder of first heat-tolerant rice NSIC Rc600, first direct wet-seeded rice NSIC Rc298, and co-breeder of NSIC Rc624; established the first sugarcane biotechnology laboratory at PhilSuRin; his projects generated substantial funding for rice production and mechanization that benefited 16 farmers’ associations; mentored graduate students in UPLB, UPDiliman, and CLSU. He earned various awards and recognition such as 2021 UPLB-CAFS Outstanding Alumni, 2020 Gantimpala Awards (PhilRice), 2020 Scientist II (SCS-DOST), 2019 Achievement Award (NRCP), 2019 Outstanding Development Worker (PhilRice), 2018 Presidential Lingkod Bayan (CSC), 2018 Gawad-Saka (DA-RFO3), 2018 Executive Director’s Award (PhilRice), 2017 Outstanding Senior Researcher (PhilRice), 2017 Outstanding scientific paper (NAST), 2016 Dangal ng PhilRice, 2015 Achievement Award (CSSP), 2014 Dangal ng PhilRice, 2013 Best scientific poster (PSBMB), 2012 Scientist 1 (SCS-DOST), and consistent Outstanding PhilRice employee. As a member of PAA, CSSP, NRCP, PSBMB, OASP, PACS, DA-Biotechnology, DA-Biosafety, Section Editor (PJCS), Editor-in-Chief (RBBJ), chairperson of Rice TWG, Adjunct Professor UPLB and UP Diliman, CLSU faculty, his relentless dedication to these organizations is a testament of his outstanding career.

Awardee Jose Pedro C. Recio distinguished himself in the field of Architecture. He rendered exemplar service as ARCHITECTS, Inc. - Principal, RECIO + CASAS Architects - Partner, M. Moser Associates Ltd. (HK) - Partner, Wong Tung & Partners (HK) - Design Architect, Eric Cumine Associates (HK) - Project Architect. His competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as Gold Medal Merit Awardee - Philippine Institute of Architects, First Haligi in Dangal Architectural Honoree for Church of the Gesu - National Commission for Culture and Arts, Pabahay Champion Awardee - Sangguniang Lungsod Quezon, Parangal Patnubay ng Sining at Kalinangan Arkitektura Awardee - Lungsod ng Maynila (Araw ng Maynila). He is a member of United Architects of the Philippines, Philippine Institute of Architects, Fellow, ASEAN Architect (First Batch), American Institute of Architects, International Associate, Board of Trustees, Habitat for Humanity of the Philippines, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Habitat for Humanity of the Philippines, Chairman, UST College of Architecture Alumni Association, Chairman, UAP-Academe-Industry Linkages Commission on Education and Chairman, PIA National Convention (1999). His relentless dedication to these organizations is a testament of his outstanding career.

Awardee Linda L. Malenab-Hornilla is distinguished in the field of Environmental Planning. Her exemplar service was demonstrated by her teaching subjects on urban and regional planning, zoning, environmental laws in the San Beda Graduate School of Law and lecturing on environmental planning when invited by government institutions and private entities. She assisted Local Government Units in crafting their Comprehensive Land Plans as Commissioner for Planning of the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board. She presented technical papers in local, regional and international, crafting policies and legislation as Technical Head of the Senate Committee on Housing, Planning and Resettlement. She mentored younger environmental planners and her professionalism earned her various awards and recognition such as Plaques and Certificate of Appreciation. As a member of the PHILIPPINE INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER/COF, her relentless dedication to the organization is a testament of her outstanding career.

Awardee Jonel P. Saludes is distinguished in the field of Chemistry. He demonstrated exemplar service by introducing the structure of small proteins that are biomarkers of human cancers, designing small proteins that detect nanoparticles in cancer signaling, and developing small protein drug delivery agents. He is the Director of the Center for Natural Drug Discovery and Development (CND3) and pursues research programs in drug delivery, antibiotic and anticancer drug discovery, and development of agricultural commodities like turmeric and tawatawa into commercial products. He established four world-class research centers at University of San Agustin including the CND3, Center for Chemical Biology and Biotechnology, Center for Informatics, and Center for Heritage and Indigenous Cultures. The research centers that Dr. Saludes established became training sites for molecular biology, enabling 5 hospitals in Western Visayas for COVID-19 testing, which shows his commitment and professionalism in his field. His competence, excellence, and commendable track record have earned him various awards and recognition such as DOST Long-term Balik Scientist, Top 100 Asian Scientist of 2021, and 2020 Gregorio Zara Award for Basic Research. As a member of the Integrated Chemists of the Philippines, his relentless dedication to the organization is a testament of his outstanding career.

Awardee Ernesto S. Guiang displayed his distinguished contribution in the field of Forestry. He delivered exemplar service in his significant contribution to the national policy on community-based forest management under Executive Order No. 263 in 1995; This is an application of governance-oriented, conservation-based, multi-sectoral and integrated approach in planning the land uses of forestlands and protected areas in watersheds; The measure provided value chain-orientation of the investments in the Philippines revised climate-resilient forestry development master plan (2015-2028); and pinpointed the urgency to protect, restore, develop and manage 11 plus million hectares of forestlands to sustain the supply of ecosystems goods and services for Filipinos in the draft sustainable forest management act. Forester Guiang earned him various awards and recognition such as: the Founders Award for Excellent Performance as the Deputy Chief of Party of the DENR-USAID Natural Resources Management in 1999; UPLB College of Forestry Outstanding Alumnus in Public Service in 2001; and UPLB Alumnus Distinguished Award on Institutional Development and Policy in 2020. As a member of the Society of Filipino Foresters, Inc (SFFI) his relentless dedication to the organization is a testament of his outstanding career.